Sure, that’s just a wee bit short of the 893 total Pokemon created by Nintendo since 1996, and there will undoubtedly be some players who will find the lack of certain creatures less than ideal, especially after the Sword and Shield fiasco. But for the rest of you photographers, there will be plenty of camera-ready Pokemon for you to discover, including quite a few from the original list of 151. If you want to photograph all of the Pokemon in the game, you’ll likely want to know who to look for and where. Below, you’ll find a list of all the Pokemon you’ll need to snap in order to complete your Photodex.



  1. Aipom42. Bounsweet43. Metapod44. Beautifly45. Arbok46. Yanmega47. Pikipek48. Toucannon49. Ariados50. Morelull51. Slaking52. Venusaur53. Liepard54. Wooper55. Quagsire56. Swampert57. Ledian58. Sobble59. Leafeon60. Mew61. Trevenant62. Espurr63. Shiftry64. Kecleon65. Deerling66. Sawsbuck67. Unfezant68. Drampa69. Pancham70. Bulbasaur71. Serperior72. Applin73. Bewear75. Ninetales76. Lotad77. Espeon78. Celebi79. Milotic


  1. Skorupi124. Cacnea125. Sandshrew126. Trapinch127. Flygon128. Kangaskhan129. Mandibuzz130. Minior131. Silicobra132. Torchic133. Heliolisk134. Lycanroc135. Hippowdon136. Tyranitar137. Onix138. Altaria139. Shinx140. Luxray141. Talonflame142. Monferno143. Aerodactyl144. Tyrantrum145. Graveler146. Archeops147. Slugma148. Torkoal149. Charmander150. Charizard151. Typhlosion152. Flareon153. Ho-Oh154. Volcarona


  1. Furret156. Cubchoo157. Beartic158. Mightyena159. Weavile160. Braviary161. Swinub162. Mamoswine163. Skarmory164. Sandslash165. Abomasnow166. Vulpix167. Delibird168. Snom169. Frosmoth170. ???171. Snorunt172. Glalie173. Froslass174. Jynx175. Spheal176. Piplup177. Vanilluxe178. ???179. ???180. ???181. ???182. ???

Outaway Cave

  1. Crobat184. Joltik185. Geodude186. Carbink187. Gengar188. Noibat189. Pumpkaboo190. Croagunk191. Drifloon192. Clefairy193. Sableye194. Rampardos195. Hydreigon196. ???197. Mawile198. ???199. ???200. Steelix


  1. Houndoom202. Eldegoss203. Natu204. Absol205. Salandit206. Noivern207. Woobat208. Sigilyph209. Beeheyem210. Golurk211. Chandelure212. Umbreon213. Jirachi214. Xerneas New Pokemon Snap is out now for the Nintendo Switch.